Terms of Service for Mixing Services


  • You must provide an instrumental file and vocal files. Additionally, provide the original song if there is one, or a separate timing guide if vocals are not timed.
  • Vocal file format must be .wav. Any common audio file format is accepted for instrumental files.
  • No peaking preferred.
  • Should not contain background noize.
  • Vocal files must be completely raw: left as they were recorded.
  • Replacing files after they have been mixed, will additionally cost the same price as the original files.
  • Overlapping vocal lines must be recorded in separate files.
  • I reserve the right to refuse any commissions that I do not feel comfortable with, or that I do not think I would be able to execute well.
  • Requests which do not follow these guidelines are likely to get rejected.
  • For file exchanges, Google Drive is preferred. Other cloud storages are accepted.

Rules & Terms

“Hyourin” or “氷輪” must be included in all relevant credits as mixer.

By default, you may distribute the mix on any platform as long as you don’t earn money from it.

Clients who paid for commercial use, or have agreed to and set up revenue-share, may distribute the mix commercially.

For corporations, separate pricing rules apply.

You are not allowed to alter the mix on your end. If you want changes to be made, you must come to me and ask me to make them.

If you break any of the rules above, you lose all rights to the commissioned audio and you will not be allowed to commission me in the future.

I will not hold onto the files after the commission ends. It is your own responsibility if you lose them.

I may promote the finished product on social media, and I retain the right to refer to it as a sample of my work in the future.

Progress & Revisions

Project details will be discussed first. Desired impression, layout, etc. should be mentioned at this point.

Price is agreed upon, after which full payment is transferred to me.

Mixing will begin. It should normally take between a few days and 1 month. Depending on the number of vocal tracks, this may vary.

Once the mix starts coming together, you might receive a preview of what it sounds like at that point.

You will receive a mastered version of the mix.

Revisions can be requested after a mastered mix has been sent to you. A maximum of 2 rounds of changes can be applied this way. Further changes will come at a fee proportionate to the extent of the requested change.



  • Payment will happen through Paypal, after mutual agreement on prices and project details.



  • Clients can not request a refund after progress has been made on the mix.
  • If I become unable to finish the mix, you will be informed, and I will send the full price back to you.